Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tribute to Ann

Well, recently a friend of ours passed away - Ann.

Ann was an older woman that the ladies in the church looked up to. She was kind, gracious, loving - and always cheerful. Never had a bad thing to say even in her physical struggles. Yet she was wise and sharp, not to be fooled.

Her funeral was amazing! Probably one of the best I've been to! For those who don't know, Pastor is probably one of - if not the best - pastors I've seen do funerals. He's got a gift there! The music was great, the words were encouraging. I cried when Dave played "How Beautiful" with Brandon on the violin for her. Just so touching.

Over the last many weeks I've had the pleasure to get to know their family. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and it was a pleasure talking and just sharing the burden with their three children and their spouses. Hard indeed, but nonetheless what a joy to serve them! I hope I was a blessing to them in some way, because they sure were to me.

I think Susie talked about Ann's hugs. Susie has her mom's hugs that's for sure. I'll miss her mom's hugs!

I'll also miss her holding our children. Ann got to hold Kennedy just a few weeks ago. What a pleasure it is to see those you love love your children! Dave and Ann sent us one of Keegan's first baby presents - well in advance of the shower even. Such grace and generosity!

I'll miss Ann's encouragement. No matter how poorly I felt I did leading worship or playing my trumpet, Ann had something good to say! How many times did that save me from utter discouragement from those who would do the opposite!

I also remember the way she just lit up when someone would sing a classic hymn she loved. Just beamed from ear to ear. Joy of the Lord - right there.

I remember going to her house one time to set up their home entertainment center. I was willing to do it just to spend time with them, but they insisted on paying me. Well, they did - and handsomely - they wouldn't take no for an answer, and told me they were still coming out ahead. I am going to pass that legacy on!

I remember sitting at the table with her and Dave during John and Patti's wedding rehearsal. We discussed salvation, and the way she and Dave discussed the doctrines of grace nudged me down the path of embracing them too. Thank you!

So, thank you, Ann, as you shine in heaven brighter than you did here on earth!

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