Friday, July 24, 2009

Two Kinds of Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by
deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor
bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny
the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly,
unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition,
there you find disorder and every evil practice
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

What a great passage!

There are two types of wisdom. That's right - only two.

First - there is true wisdom. It seeks peace. It is impartial and sincere. There are no personal favorites or "politics" at play. It is full of mercy and good fruit. That fruit is love, joy, peace - you know them.

And, it is promised that whoever sows in peace reaps a harvest of righteousness.

So - what does false wisdom look like? Well - look above - it does not seek peace, it stirs up anger. It results in strife. Ever been to a meeting where someone has tried to set a trap for you? Tried to get you to trip up? Came loaded up with ammo to shoot at you? Yet they profess to be wise? Obviously they are not. They are not there to make peace, but rather to attack and beset others.

How can we detect when something is not wise? When there is disorder. Chaos. Strife. Tension. When they are out to get someone.

What is the root cause of this type of situation? Envy and self-ambition.

And what do they reap? They reap strife, unrest. They miss out on a harvest of righteousness. They - thinking to be acting in good - are actually dispensing wisdom that is evil (of the devil).

Let's be peacemakers and sow the seads of righteousness. Not in word only. In action. Anyone can say it. It is much harder to act it. That means we're kind, honorable, wise God's way, longsuffering, tenderhearted, joyful, peaceful, loving, merciful, faithful. If we aren't that way when we interact with others we are not being wise and are tools of evil - even with "good" intentions.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Randomly Selected

So, it's been quite the week.

I normally don't blog about this type of stuff but here goes.

So, Monday, I got up quite early and drove to the airport. I took my safety razor. Now, I poured over the TSA Regulations prior to getting on the plane. Sure enough, they allowed safety razors. So, in they went.

Well, not so fast. Turns out that they had a problem with it anyways, and made me take out the blade. So, I did. Not too big of a deal.

Well, then I made a connection flight to Boston on my way to Richmond. When I got off the plane and ordered a cup of coffee at Au Bon Pain, I noticed my driver's license was missing. So, I immediately returned to the plane to pick it up, figuring I'd dropped it in my seat getting something out of my pocket. Yes, I had. But - they had already picked it up and sent it to baggage claim.

So, I raced over to baggage claim where they paged me over the intercom and handed me my license.

I hustled back to my flight, but had to go back through security. Ouch! There was ONE line open!

Not to worry - I had 30 minutes at the time.

Well, it took 20 minutes.

Then, I spent 3 minutes bolting to the terminal, where, even with 7 minutes left to spare, they had closed the door and would not let me on.

So I had to sit and wait for the next flight. :(

Fast forward through a whirlwind week of work.

Last night we went to Outback. It was good, but my food was a little raw. By the time I got back to my hotel I was feeling pretty ill. A few hours later? Yep - ill. Got up this morning? Still ill.

So, I thought I'd try to go into work anyways. It didn't work out. After getting one thing done it was obviously not meant to be.

So, I left to go to the airport. On the way I stopped at a Kmart parking lot and rested for a while, still very sick.

Then I went to the airport.

Now, at this point I had almost 6 hours until my plane was scheduled to leave, so I decided to have them bump it up. Yay!

I'm still feeling ill by the way, and am getting weak as I can't keep food down.

I went through the checkpoint to chill out in my terminal for a while. On the way through the security scanner, I forgot to take off my shoes. So, I went through the scanner again. And of course, when I came through I had the pleasure of receiving a full body scan. And they wanted to look through my luggage again. Hey, the razor is empty so no big deal!

I'm amazed at the disparity in airport security. Boston didn't care about the razor. Indy and Richmond did.

Anyways, that's all. We'll see how Charlotte does.